Week Ahead: 6

6 2/14 Henry Jenkins, “‘Worship at the Altar of Convergence’: A New Paradigm for Understanding Media Change” from Convergence Culture: Where Old and New Media Collide.

We’ll also discuss the reading for week 5: Glen Creeber, “Theorizing New Media” from Digital Cultures: Understanding New Media, edited by Glen Creeber and Royston Martin.

Sketch 4 due the night before

2/16 “Why Media Spreads” from Spreadable Media: Creating Value and Meaning in a Networked Culture by Henry Jenkins, Sam Ford, and Joshua Green.
2/17 Podcast episodes 1 (fivethrityeight) & 2 (soulpancake) published

Podcast series work over the weekend

In class today we decided to go with the logo that Jose designed for the podcast. As we discussed in class, on Tuesday we will record the intro bumper, which means that the script for our intro needs to be completed by Monday. There’s a new Google doc in our shared folder called “Podcast intro” — please, all of you, work on the language in that document and craft something that sets a tone for the series while also being relatively informative about what listeners can expect. As you read Creeber and Jenkins, you might keep an eye out for language or ideas that we can incorporate.

We’ll spend a few minutes at the start of class on Tuesday, recording the intro. Daniel has volunteered to be one voice in the intro. Do we want just one person reading or would it be worthwhile to get at least one other voice in the intro? Anyone else interested in volunteering?

Please also make suggestions for music in the intro at the bottom of the podcast intro document. I’ve got a list of possibilities in there, but you can suggest others or comment with reactions to those.


Creeber and Jenkins are both working towards giving a broad overview and a theoretical grounding for this broad genre “new media.” I want to spend a significant chunk of class time discussing their models and how we might apply them.

Sketch Assignment

Post will be up very soon (here it is!), but I want you to generate a visual representation of how Creeber and Jenkins define new media writing before class on Tuesday.

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