Week Ahead: 7

7 2/21 Listening Project — reply to your peers, brainstorm questions, what are the objectives.

Listen to the first two podcast episodes carefully. Be prepared to discuss the episodes, observe the lessons you can take away from them as you prepare your own, think about what path they outline for the series moving forward.

2/23 Writing Online chpt 3

Move your files onto the server. Begin to think about replacing your primary domain’s WP installation with the hand-coded site you are building following along with Pullman.

Sketch 5 due

@6:00pm: George Williams, “The Universe is a Big Place: Re-considering Universal Design for Learning” in Rita Anne Rollins Building (Candler School of Theology) room 322.

In class on Tuesday, we’ll focus on The Listening Project and the podcast series. Before class, please reply to the emails you receive the student you’re interviewing and begin to establish some common interests. Think about the questions you’d like to ask your peer.

And before class on Tuesday, make sure you have listened carefully and closely to the first two podcast episodes that went up on Friday. I encourage you to comment on them in Soundcloud or on the posts on this site — note that in Soundcloud you can connect your comment to a specific moment in the episode, so if there’s a specific moment you want to highlight, you can locate your comment right there.

For Thursday’s class, we’ll work on code with Pullman. I want you to at least begin to move towards being able to replace the WordPress site on your primary domain (not the subdomain for this class but your primary domain) with the code that you’ve been writing along with Writing Online.

Also, make certain to sign up to meet with me individually this week for conferences.

George Williams is a professor of English at the University of South Carolina Upstate. He has helped facilitate several workshops on accessibility & pedagogy and accessibility & digital environments, including for the NEH-funded “Accessibility Future” project. Additionally, Dr. Williams is an editor and writer for ProfHacker, an online publication devoted to pedagogy, productivity, and technology in higher education. His research and teaching interests include writing studies, technologies of writing, digital humanities, disability studies, and British Literature. He will be giving a lecture for the Writing Program entitled “The Universe is a Big Place: Re-considering Universal Design for Learning” on accessibility in the classroom and in online spaces. I will offer extra credit for any student who attends the lecture and writes a blog post about what you learn. Lecture is Thursday 2/23 at 6pm in RARB 322.

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