GTA V Reflection Post

My final installment for the podcast took a shift in subject matter. Shiven, the producer of this episode, and I decided that we would would choose a more interactive type of new media for this episode. After, deciding on Rockstar’s Grand theft Auto V, we got to work learning the intricacies of the game. We […]

Equality of Opportunity Project Intro Draft

The equality of opportunity project include data on economic and social mobility of students from hundreds of schools across the nation. My group thus far has gathered data on the top 20 schools based in mobility rate. Our idea is to  compare these top 20 schools and see what characteristics they have in common. Perhaps […]

Listening Project Reflection

The “Listening Project” assigned to my New Media english class wasn’t the usual assignement. We were tasked with getting to know a student from the State University of New York Environmental Science and Forestry. Through email I communicated with Jacob Kunz, my partner, in order to become acquainted with one another. The lack of explicit […]

Literacy Narrative: The Present

Literacy Narrative: The Present Understanding my own actions is something I try to do often. Why do I eat the way I do? How can I improve my diet? What patterns do I see among my friends? One aspect I hadn’t thought about analyzing was my online presence as a small media creator. Perhaps this […]

Lynda Podcast Reflection

After finishing our latest episode on, Greer, Shiven, and I have gained new insight on creating our podcasts. By having a more integrated relationship with the topic of this weeks analysis, we were able to approach more subjects in a distinct way. However,that does not mean that our episode was without its faults. As […]

Literacy Narrative

Understanding Tech Just how much have I grown in my understanding of technology and the media which I use everyday? This is what I attempted to answer in my Understanding Technology page. I went from destroying a laptop, to subtle internet user, to a Computer Science Major. Writing out my experiences with the web allowed me […]

New Beginnings

I’m not a very sentimental person, so when attempting to connect an image, myself, and this class, I struggled to find one I liked. However, there are very few photos I enjoy looking at more than this one. On my first ever flight to Emory, I took the image above out of the airplane window. […]