HowStuffWorks Podcast Reflection

HowStuffWorks is a website, phone app and youtube channel providing information in an interesting and convenient manner. For the HowStuffWorks podcast, I was the producer and Janet was the assistant producer. Creating my very own podcast was a blast. Using the skills I’ve picked up […]

II. A Lesson in Geography

State Distribution Here, we’ll be taking a look to see if there is some correlation between location of these colleges, accesses, financial availability and fund provisions for these top 20 colleges. We’ll be considering various factors to find similarities and dissimilarities between the states. Maybe […]

Technology Literacy Narrative: The Present

In my present technology literacy narrative, I briefly reflect the experiences in my past narrative. Also, in this narrative I expand upon how my interactions with technology are modifying and becoming more insightful, more efficient, and more exciting. The process of writing this narrative was enjoyable and I did […]

Listening Project Reflection

The Listening Project allowed the class to pair up and get to know another student at SUNY-ESF. Initially, finding compatible scheduling between my partner and I came at a challenge. We did not get in contact until mid semester but our conversation halted when I went spring […]