Student Posts
See What I Have Been Doing This Semester
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See What I Have Been Up to This Semester
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Pullman Liveblog (from Ublend)
“It’s a shame that for whatever reason, we tend to voluntarily <metaphor> divide ourselves into two camps </metaphor>:communication people on one side and computation people on the other. Everyone has both capacities in some measure. We just tend to play to our strengths and are therefore weaker.” (xxxii) This paragraph is something that struck me …
Listening Project Reflection
One of the greatest miracles that technology has worked on my life is that it has given me some of the best friends that I could ask for. I was reminded of this while going through this assignment, as I talked with Tyler about new media and the environment. You can read my conversation with Tyler …
Equality of Opportunity Reflection
In the last few weeks of class, we focused on analyzing the raw data provided by the Equality of Opportunity Project. My group specifically concentrated on gender. We looked to see if there were gender differences between college tiers and parental income levels. We had expected to see a greater mean parental income for females than males […]
Equality of Opportunity Reflection
Over the past few weeks, we worked on specific aspects of the Equality of Opportunity Project. My group wanted to explore top tier public and private school endowments to see if there is a correlation between the annual money they receive […]
Equality Opportunity Project: Do more boys in the top 1% attend Ivy League schools than girls in the top 1%?
GENDER Gender Gap Within College Tiers and Parental Income We examined the mean parental incomes of both male and female students within each college tier and compared them to trends that we hypothesized. Before making the graph, we hypothesized that students at higher-tiered colleges would have a greater mean parental income than students at lower-tiered …