Once you have completed your podcast episode, you should publish a reflection post. Embed the Soundcloud episode in your post (if I haven’t published the episode yet when you publish your post, just edit the post later to add the link once I have).
Your refection should be 250 – 500 words and should be in the form of an essay with complete paragraphs, not as a list of bullet point answers.
Reflection Questions
Include a brief description of your process for developing the podcast. How did you and the other producers divide up the tasks involved and how did you structure your collaboration? In what ways does your episode respond to the other episodes in the series — in other words, compare your episode to the ones before it, explaining how you gained inspiration from, adapted, or resisted something that your peers did in their episodes.
Please describe your primary goals with the episode that you produced and explain the strategies that you used to achieve them. You are producing these episodes under a number of time and technological constraints, so it’s likely that there will be some goals that you just cannot accomplish within those constraints — address what challenges arose for you and the choices you made to meet them and/or describe what you would have done differently had you more time/resources available for your episode (in other words, what are some aspirational goals that were perhaps unrealistic given the constraints of the assignment but that you would have liked to have tried to accomplish if circumstances were different?).
How do you see your work on the podcast episode helping you to achieve the learning outcomes for this course? Link to the specific learning outcome posts that applied to your work on this assignment, and explain how you met that outcome with your work on this assignment.
Make sure you address the sets of questions above and then also consider some of the questions below and address them in your reflection (you definitely won’t be able to answer all of these, so go through the list and pick some that seem to be most of interest for you and write about them):
- Were the strategies, skills and procedures I used effective for this assignment?
- Do I see any patterns in how I approached my work on this episode? How was producing a podcast similar to or different from writing more traditional essays?
- What have I learned about my strengths and my areas in need of improvement?
- How am I progressing as a learner?
- What suggestions do I have for my peers as they go about working on their episodes to come?
- How can I apply the skills I used in crafting this podcast episode to future writing projects? Where can I use these skills again?
- What are you most proud of about the episode that you created?