Climate Change is in the Air

Emily Li is a graduating senior here at Emory, and is finishing up work on her senior honor’s thesis Climate Change is in the Air, which is an effort at constructing a website that effectively analyzes and presents scientific information about climate change in a manner that is accurate and engaging for the general public. I would recommend that you look carefully at her site, and read the About page, which offers information about how she conceptualized that project as well as technological advice on carrying it out — because even though it’s on a different issue and this is a student’s honor’s thesis so the stakes are higher, there is a lot in common with what she’s attempting to do in this project and what we are attempting to do as a class. Let’s plan to start class off on Tuesday by talking about her site and what lessons we can carry over from the work she’s done to our work, and what will not carry over so well, too.

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