Week ahead: 4

4 1/31 Writing Online chpt 2

Factcheck.org “How to spot fake news” & NYT: “Inside a Fake News Sausage Factory: ‘This Is All About Income’

2/2 No class

Technology literacy narrative due

Many of you have already posted designs for the podcast series. If you haven’t, get something up soon. And please comment on your peers’ designs with appreciation and constructive criticism (and approve comments from your peers on your own).

By now, you’ve read a number of different takes on the issue of information literacy, critical thinking, fake news, crap, or bullshit — as it’s been variously referenced in the readings. We’ll spend time in class today talking about those issues and perhaps connecting that to what we are observing over the last week or so in the world at large.

I’ll also pitch an idea for an assignment that we would collaborate on with students in upstate New York and Florida called “The Listening Project” (draft proposal here).

Thursday there will be no class because I’ll be putting on a workshop at Georgia State. I’ll probably be showing them this site as part of that presentation, so maybe some of them will comment on the work you’re doing? You should have your literacy narrative pieces published to your site sometime on Thursday — if some of you can possibly have them up by Thursday morning, that would be great, but you are only required to have those posted sometime before its’ Friday.

We haven’t spent enough time discussing the coding assignments and probably won’t have time in class today either, so expect to spend a significant chunk of class on Tuesday of next week circling back to the coding. I’ll try to have instructions for getting your code loaded into a folder on your site by the end of this week too, so that you can put it up and we can all check each others’ code out.

Also, please at least 4 of you need to volunteer to start production of the first pair of podcast episodes! I’ll help you get going once you’ve signed up for that slot! Volunteer so I don’t have to voluntell you!

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