Life’s too short. Are you familiar with that truism? A semester really is too short a time to cover all this material unless we’re each here every day that class meets; therefore, I look forward to seeing you at every class meeting, contributing to a discussion on each of the topics we’ll cover.
I make no distinction between excused and unexcused absences, so no documentation or excuse is required for an absence. If some sort of dire circumstance — such as serious injury or illness, death in the family, thermonuclear war — should arise, please notify me as soon as possible so we can try to make arrangements. You should also remember that you are still responsible for any information or assignment covered in a class that you miss and that I do not provide make-up quizzes or other work.
If you are absent more than 4 times over the course of the semester, your final grade for the class will be lowered. You will lose one-third of a letter grade for each absence beyond 4. I do not give make ups for assignments completed in class if you are absent or late enough to class that you’ve missed that assignment.
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